Customers Agree - XenPod is Amazing!

"Amazing healing device!"
"It is an AMAZING healing device.
The energy that is generated by using it is magical, it is a blessing to be able to use one.
Aly Learmonth - Energy Healer - New Zealand
"The XenPod is special!"
"I just bounced on it for a few minutes and then laid down on it, my back which is often hurting, aligned right away and then... I didn't want to get up, I felt so relaxed and energised at the same time. I can hardly believe it!"
Brenda Oglesby - Lymphatic Therapist - Santa Barbara California USA

Lymphatic Therapists can recognise a good lymphaciser
Brenda from Santa Barbara Lymphatic Therapies California says it how it is! She recommends XenPod as the preferred lymphatic rebounder, with the extra bonus of refined Harmonic Energising.
Our XenPod is still going strong after 30 yrs!
Ronald at Hippocrates Health Centre on the Gold Coast in Queensland absolutely loves his XenPod. He is our longest enthusiastic promoter in Australia and here is what he says about the XenPod Lymphaciser.
“We’ve had our Lymphaciser since 1992.
It’s a great product, and has held up brilliantly.
We wouldn’t be without it.”
Ronald Bradley, Founding Director - Hippocrates Health Centre QLD Australia changed!
"Since doing the health bounce on my Xenpod. Hair, Skin & Nails are my health barometers and they are all better, I look and feel younger and my body battery has charged up from 10 to 40% in just two months.
Defying Gravity = Age Defying it seems, the body's amazing ability to self heal is accelerated when using a Xenpod every day"
Wendy Sharman Wood - Sydney NSW Australia
Meditation and insight enhanced
"Meditating on XenPod grants extra levels of insights and experiences"
Dr. Golden MD - Sydney NSW Australia
This simple synchronised bounce can balance the body’s fourteen acupuncture meridians
Shirley Meredith, Kinesiologist, Auckland, New Zealand

Recovery from cancer treatment
"The XenPod entered my reality at a time where l was desperately ill and had little energy as a result of Cancer treatment.
The use of the XenPod gave me great comfort, new well being and energy. Even used as a sitting platform for meditation – you can feel the energy it has move through your body. It’s an all round comfort item for me and I recommend you use it for your health, and wellbeing"
Linda - Melbourne Vic Australia

XenPod clears the acupuncture meridians
"In my experience, sitting on the XenPod in meditation posture assists the clearing of the acupuncture energy meridians. Areas of tension, holding and blockage are assisted to release and clear, thus enabling a freer flow of the life force, or prana/chi, to circulate.
This freer circulation of the life force brings enhanced energy to all areas of the body. In Chinese Medicine knowledge it is said that “chi leads the blood”, so with increased chi flow, blood circulation improves to the extremities and also inwardly to restore and nourish the vital organs of the body.
While sitting on the XenPod, my energy field seemed to stabilise itself to the 2 meter radius of the XenPod. I felt a comfortable radiance of energy through my hands, with an inner sense of vitality, calm and balance.
My background includes scientific training – BSC, plus Kinesiology, Neo-Reichian bodywork, Breathwork, Personal Growth, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong, Remedial and Qi-Gong Massage and teaching Yoga and Meditation".
Yogini - Female Yoga and Meditation teacher of 20 years – NSW Australia

I saw first hand...
"Hi I am so relieved to find this kind of rebounder here in NZ. I was feeling under duress to buy a Bellicon at over $1000 when I came across research that the bungee springs long-term cannot be proven and that they may cause muscular skeleton injuries in time. I just lost my husband to cancer. He was 33. I am now committed to my long term health, because I saw first hand what happens to the lymph system when the body has disease"
Grateful XenPod Customer - New Zealand

It exceeded my expectations!
“I've had my Xenpod for 3 weeks now.
After about 10 days everything had bedded in and softened and the bounce feels 100% perfect for its intended job of lymphacising. Silky smooth and flowing and a pleasure to use. It exceeded my expectations"
Chris - Breath & Flow State master - Western Australia

Don't be fooled by cheaper models!
"I believe this is the best RH48 lymphaciser on the market. Don't be fooled into those cheaper machines, they don't work as well! Amazing product! and NO GST is charged on Aussie sales"
Verity Harris - Katoomba NSW Australia
Walking again after Polio!
"From thirty-two years of Polio to be able to walk without crutches, all in twelve months!"
Vergil Orten - Tenants Creek NT Australia

The XenPod feels so amazing, relaxing, energising...
Here's a dialogue of someone experiencing the XenPod for the first time, right after bouncing on another rebounder.
“Oh wow, oh my God this feels so different. It’s amazing (her whole body was noticeably softening and relaxing) I’m tingling all over (brushing her arms) It’s so relaxing and… and the energy, I can feel the energy so strongly, it feels like …. (moves her arms up and around her body) It’s just NOTHING like the other one… And I’m still tingling… Oh it feels so much better…
Wow that’s amazing!
Robyn M - Equine Therapist - Northland New Zealand
Research shows that cheap rebounders are unsafe!
XenPod customers typically do their own research and then buy!
"Hi Gigi, I am very interested in purchasing a unit... I have read Denie's books some time ago and as part of my continuing research to find "simple and powerful" ways to deal with our health issues, the XenPod fits the bill. I have also read and absorbed Dr West's book. Fascinating stuff".
"... I just ordered a unit and am really looking forward to trying it out. I also ordered 3 of the books recommended in your list...Cancer Answer, Miracles of Rebound and Movement for Self Healing. There is such potential here for health rehabilitation that is simple, powerful and works! As you know. NO drugs, no pharmaceutical dogma and no B.S..."
Greg - Qld Australia
What is Harmonic Energising?

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