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A Healthier Body, Mind & Spirit

Only 20 minutes a Day to a Healthier Life with Xenpod !

Delivering 3000 Lymphacising Programs in 26 countries!

Ian Pettitt’s breakthrough with the premium XenPod represents 30 years of research, refinement and clinical work. 

His initial goals were conceived in 1985 and achieved in mid 1991. During these years Ian became affectionately know as "Mr Lymphaciser." He is now publicly respected by Dr West Jnr for devoting 30 years of his life to perfecting the popular Health-Bounce for humanity.

Only 20 Minutes A Day!

Lymphacising is gentle and easy Health-Bouncing.

Even just 5 minutes bouncing will help your body heal itself, improve general health and fitness and change the feel of your whole day. 

Ideally 2 lots of 10 minutes a day will gain very good results. For degenerative disease, bouncing 2 times a day for 20 minutes can be powerful - but seek medical advice before commencing.

When lymphacising, your body will activate the five elimination systems from within, resulting in the removal of toxins and the release of more available energy.

The Amazing XenPod

Designed around proven research and medical findings that ultilise the laws of energy, gravity and mass. The design activates bio-friendly spiralling vortex fields and utilises the laws of healing harmonics found in Sacred Geometry.

100% simple, safe for and beneficial for all the family including children, the elderly, rest homes and rehabilitation centres.

Factory tuned spring design, is aligned for Northern or Southern Hemispheres during assembly and this absolutely matters!

The electro-magnetic field magnifies the resonance of thought and voice energies

Energising benefits are always gained, even with just sitting or lying on the mat, in the energy field of the harmonic design

The XenPod comes with a compass for correct alignment within the Earths geomagnetic field

Six removable legs with washers, steel feet caps and covers, position XenPod at the safest height for your Health Bouncing

Three different leg lengths are available for your optimal bounce height

Health Bouncing activates ATP at the cellular level. This is your essential biochemical electrical energy

The Health Bounce improves gut health and digestion by creating enzymes for assimilation

Energising While Lymphacising ©

  • This powerful yet simple program comes in your XenPod User Manual
  • Everyone can make fast improvement, just by following the 9 basic steps
  • The program enhances and encompasses all eastern and western therapies and replaces ‘exercise’ with Energising While Lymphacising©
  • It will activate the 14 primary acupuncture meridians and energise your organs

Self Heal and Regenerate

This unique product and 9 step program will auto-diagnose and address each human’s energy needs by prioritising through the central nervous system. A personal approach is a must, as we each have a unique and different life. Health-Bouncing brings cellular regeneration by increasing the energy level of each individual cell. Results will vary with each person, so the benefits listed are not in order of priority.

The XenPod will activate the three fluid systems, create uptake of more oxygen for improved cleansing and enhance cellular communication to support elimination. In this healthier environment, the normal regeneration process takes place naturally. The human body is very capable of self-healing and regenerating when health laws are implemented and combined with balanced knowledge and wisdom.

Endless Benefits while Lymphacising

  • Restores respiratory system and activates the auto immune system to self-correct many health problems
  • Links the mind, body and spirit to allow a clearer experience of intuition and knowing
  • Reduces swelling with primary and secondary lymphedema 
  • Helps to release Trapped Blood Plasma Proteins in the lymph
  • Adjusts and activates the most important bone - the sacrum
  • Rebuilds the body’s most important muscle - the diaphragm
  • Natural correction of posture releases emotional traumas
  • Improves taste, eyesight and hearing
  • Induces relaxation and better sleep
  • Levels hip heights in 12 seconds

Energising While Lymphacising©

What if your body could holistically experience all, or even part of the following goals of the RH48 Harmonic Body Energiser, coupled with the provable results of the Energising while Lymphacising Program?  When used in conjunction with Ian Pettitt’s unique program, this product has proven to reverse structural pains and dis-ease simply by bringing oxygen to the cells and removing the waste products of cellular functions via the lymphatics five elimination systems.

About the programm

The program is simple and easy to learn. We provide video instructions on the XenPod Video page and a down loadable User Manual. Very little effort and time is required to step up to a new level of health and well-being.

When our life force becomes run down, low or depleted, we need a sure, safe and simple way of replenishing our vital life force’s energy. Many methods currently exist for this purpose e.g. Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, exercise and numerous western therapies. Howeve, due to ignorance, or lifestyle and environmental stresses, humans often succumb to illness and disease, which weakens our life force and places more stress on depleted energy levels.

Why XenPod

Optimum health and energy can only be attained and maintained by ensuring that the body’s cells are kept healthy, with a balanced supply of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Organic Elements. Adopting a healthier life style requires combining many holistic approaches, to maintain good cellular health. A very self-empowering approach is to choose the XenPod as your trusted daily companion on this journey. It is the very best cellular health apparatus for daily use at home and can become a trusted and best friend.

What you can expect

While results will vary for all individuals, we have always found that diligently following the program will achieve dramatic results. One of the program techniques is Ian’s Step-Breathing. This simple and easy technique produces noticeable results on its own, but is amplified when used with the RH48 XenPod Lymphaciser & Harmonic Energiser.

An Holistic Approach to Health ©

The full XenPod program truly gives you a unique and an unfair advantage in life!   
Bouncing on a XenPod is synchronised with step-breathing. Gentle bouncing within the correct gravitational (G) forces and true harmonics, gently moves body fluids and balances meridians.

The XenPod 9 Step Program

The Energising While Lymphacising© program opens electrical paths, cleanses your cellular system, and stimulates cellular energies that will balance your mind, body and emotions. This will enhance your access to your unique state of being, so you can love your life and fully accept yourself and others on life’s journey.

The XenPod has the unique ability to facilitate these changes within your body and its energy systems. It has been specially designed to bring about stress-free movement of your body’s many unseen energies. It does this in such a way that wastes are effectively removed from your body by creating vital ATP to assist the cells in releasing trapped plasma proteins in the body tissues, which cause cellular oedema, hot-spots, pain, energy blocks and disease.

Lorentz Force Law

Energising activates the Lorentz force law of electro-magnetic current with a clockwise or anti-clockwise spiralling vortex of self-induced energy around the body. This energy field releases excess fluids containing TPP – trapped plasma protein, which surrounds cells in the “wet state” and inhibits correct cellular communication and function. Energising relaxes the body because it releases the toxins that can cause muscle spasms. This release allows cellular wastes to be taken to the body’s five cleansing systems and will also allow bones to move towards their correct and natural posture.

Body Systems

Why have so many efforts for health enhancement, such as exercise, diet management and therapies produced such inconsistent results? It is because most programs focus only on specific areas, or an individual system of your body.The body consists of 14 different systems and in order to return it to a healthy state, the approach needs to be holistic, addressing body, mind, and soul.

Extreme fitness routines that induce adrenal syndrome stresses, can cause almost any problem in the body directly or indirectly and create imbalances within our 70-100 billion cellular communications. Practicing the Art of Lymphacising balances the endocrine glands, which in turn benefits the nervous system, the chakras or power centers of the body, the meridians, the corresponding organs and all body functions.

Benefits of XenPod program

Health also needs to be self-directional, in order for a person to reclaim responsibility for their health. The XenPod is the machine which has been developed to optimise this. With this machine, you will activate the laws of your body’s self-regeneration process. It will empower your body to activate energy and fluid flows according to the dictates of your natural healing processes. Energising While Lymphacising© avoids the creation of excess stress in the 14 body systems and ensures that the central nervous system is not overloaded.

XenPod as part of Holistic process

The XenPod is part of a holistic process by which positive results at cellular level are achieved. It has been specifically designed for maximising the benefit of the Earth’s magnetic fields. It also maximises the benefit of physical laws that work at the cellular level, which move the lymph system without stress.

When you regenerate a healthy respiratory system, diaphragm, lungs, intercostals, and ribs, it gives your spine greater flexibility, thus allowing better movement of the sacrum. This induces efficiency in the central nervous system as it goes about creating order in the body. The human body is designed to heal and organise itself, which explains why and how healing is different for everyone.

Step Breath Breathing

With the ultimate goal of 20 in and 24 out breaths, Ian’s Step Breath program allows you to work towards synchronising your Step Breaths with the Lymphaciser’s stress-less bounce. By utilising this technique within your own spiralling energy vortex, the induced vibrational energy assists with your cellular transformation

Step Breath Breathing

WARNING: It is very important that you learn to do this breathing correctly. Full instructions come with the XenPod.

Ian established a breathing method that safely increase and balances the oxygen levels of body cells. Oxygen is the vital life-force needed to synergistically activate the cell’s Sodium Potassium pumps. This approach avoids most of the innate stresses involved in doing the exercise, and avoids reactions like tiring or hyperventilation. When the cell’s blood oxygen levels are optimal, cellular self-healing and rejuvenation can be accelerated in a safer, surer way.

Step Breathing benefits

The Step Breathing also raises the lung capacity, so that your normal breathing range will be steadily increased. The ability of the lungs to uptake oxygen is increased, resulting in increased removal of the cells waste gasses. In this way the whole respiratory system, plus the other thirteen body systems can also be enhanced, by working at cellular level. 

The obvious results of a balanced Step Breathing session can be felt for many hours after doing this total approach, which restores the body’s life force. The extention of the sniff-puff breath ratio will increase lung capacity and allow your breathing rate to be slowed, for improved oxygen uptake to the blood – Our Life Force.

While Step Breathing...

While Step Breathing, the pulsing action will help to clear sinuses, ear, nose and throat passageways, resulting in easier breathing and a clearer head: especially with persons who have a history of breathing ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysemas etc. 

The overall goal is to restore the full range of the diaphragm, which is our body’s most important muscle. This will result in the full expansion and contraction of the upper, middle and lower lungs within the rib cage.

Benefits for the spine

This basic key will release and activate the spine’s relative vertebrae, which in turn activates the Cerebral Spinal Fluid utilized by the Sacral-Cranial pump. The Sacrum is one of the body’s most important bones, as it’s purpose is to bring nutrients to the whole skeletal structure, especially the cranium plates, and to remove toxins and cellular wastes from the Central Nervous System.


Learning, applying and then experiencing this knowledge from your own volition, allows you to get the maximum benefits from your lymphacising sessions. It costs you absolutely nothing to do, but over time will save you thousands of dollars on costly, recurring body maintanence therapy, like massage, chiropractic, osteopathic or accupuncture treatments etc.

The 9 Steps Chart

This following material is the copy-write of Ian Pettitt and Xenergies International and is used with permission from both sources.

With a XenPod purchase you will receive a link to download the Energising While Lymphacising© Chart for printing in A3 size. Put it on the wall near your XenPod and you will have a quick reminder of all the basic 9 Steps while doing your Health-Bounce lymphacising.

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